This circuit is the audio amp section for a complete optical transmitter. The circuit amplifies and filters the voice audio signals from an electrets microphone. The circuit is described in more detail in the receiver section of Dave Johnson's Handbook of Optical Through the Air Communications. (this link is off-site.) |
1 Watt 2.3 GHz RF Amplifier Using a MRF2001:
1 Watt 2.45 GHz Linear Amplifier: |
1.5 Volt AF Amplifier: A small single battery cell AF amplifier able to drive a Low impedance 8-Watt load up to15mW, built using discrete transistors |
1.5 Volt Amplified Ear: Useful to listen in faint sounds1.5-Volt Battery operation, includes electret microphone preamplifier which runs from1.5-Volt DC and can directly drive32 Ohms impedance mini-earphones |
1.5 Watt 12 Volt Audio Amplifier: |
1.5 Watt Audio Amplifier: |
10 Watt Amplifier: |
10 Watt Power Amplifier: Simple Class A Amplifiers |
100 Watt Amp Circuit: |
100 Watt Audio Amplifier #1: |
100 Watt Guitar Amplifier #2: |
100 Watt Guitar Amplifier Mk2: |
100 Watt RMS Amplifier: This is a100-Watt basic power amp that was designed to be (relatively) easy to build at a reasonable cost. It has better performance (read: musical quality) than the standard STK module amps that are used in practically every mass market stereo receiver manufactured today. When I originally built this thing, it was because I needed a100 WPC amp and didnt want to spend any money. So I designed around parts I had in the shop. |
15 Watt 6V6 Guitar Amp (valve): |
15 Watt Amplifier: |
16 Watt Amplifier: |
2 Channel Power Amplifier: The2-Channel Power Amplifier based on NTE1606. The circuit is powered by a12V,10-Amp power supply. The power of the output channels is4 W connected to 8-ohm loudspeakers |
2 Transistor Amplifier: |
2 Watt Amplifier 1: |
2 Watt Amplifier 2: Low distortion amplifier using discrete components |
2 Wire Remote Microphone Amplifier: uses special amplifier module from Op-Amp Labs |
2.3 GHz Power Amplifiers: |
20 DB Amplifier & High Current Balanced Line Driver: |
20 Watt / Channel Stereo Power Amplifier: |
20 Watt ClassPower Amplifier: |
20 Watt GaAaFET Power on 2.3 GHz: |
20 Watt Power Amplifier: Designed to be used as car amplifier |
200 Watt Amplifier: |
22 Watt Audio Amplifier: Simple stereo amplifier based on TDA1554 |
220 Watt Power Amplifier: This is a building plan for an audio amplifier with2 x220-Watt output power. Text is in Finnish. |
2304 and 3456 MHz Power Amplifiers: |
250 Watt Stereo Power Amplifier: |
25L6 Amp: design without a power transformer |
3 Band Equaliser: |
3 Band Equalizer: |
3 High Accuracy, RIA/ IEC, MC & MM Phono Preamplifiers: |
3 Transistor Audio Amp 50 Milli watt: Here is a little audio amplifier similar to what you might find in a small transistor radio. |
30 Watt Power Amplifier: Ultra-Low distortion30-Watt Power Amplifier |
300 Watt Subwoofer Power Amplifier: |
4 Watt Amplifier: |
45 Watt Single Chip Amplifier With Tone Controls: |
50 Watt Amplifier: |
55 Watt (Originally 75W) Power Amplifier: |
60 Watt Power Amplifier : |
75 Watt Power Amplifier: AKSA is a highly refined push pull solid state stereo amplifier of 75-Watt per channel |
8 Watt Amplifier: |
8 Watt Audio Amp Based on LM383: |
80 Watt Amplifier #1: |
80 Watt Amplifier #2: Uses the LM12 chip |
Active Subwoofer & Controller: |
Active Subwoofer: |
ALL FET MC Phono Preamp: Phono preamp with54 and 64 dB gain and RIAA accuracy is better than0.2dB, from Borbely Audio |
AM Oscillator for Wireless Microphones: |
Amplified Ear: |
Audio Amp Output Power Limiter: |
Audio Amp, Ultra High Gain: |
Audio Amplifier Circuits: |
Audio Amplifier Output Relay Delay: |
Audio Amplifier: 2-Transistor Audio Amp |
Audio Compressor: A circuit for a single-channel audio compressor using a JFET to control the gain of a virtual earth amplifier. |
Audio Level Control Device: compressor circuit based on LED and photodiode |
Audio Preamplifier: |
Balanced Low Noise Microphone Preamp: very low noise, close to the theoretical minimum, high hum rejection and variable gain with a single rotary pot, similar to that used in many professional grade mixing desks |
Basic FM Radio Transmitters: |
BiDirectional 2.4 GHz One Watt Amplifier: |
BiDirectional 900Mhz One Watt Amplifier: |
Binaural MICs: |
Boost 3.3V to 5V with tiny audio amplifier: EDN - Design Ideas / This charge-pump circuit quietly converts a 3.3V source to 5V at 500 mA (figures 1 and 2). National's ( LM4871LD power amplifier makes this design idea both possible and practical, thanks to its low output resistance, low cost, compact size, and high dissipation capability. Its output resistance has an average value of 0.. |
Boundary Layer Dish Microphone: ideas for a directional microphone assembly |
Circuit combines power supply and audio amplifier: EDN - Design Ideas / (added 10/03) The circuit in Figure 1 can help if you must transfer dc power and audio over a pair of copper wires. One application for such a circuit is a low-cost door-opening system with speech input. The circuit uses only one IC, the well-known LM317, a low-cost power-supply regulator. ... . |
Computer Microphone: adapting electret microphone to soundcards with dynamic microphone inputs |
Condenser Mic Audio Amplifier: |
Condenser Microphone hookup: |
Constant Power "PAN" Control: Circuit for Microphone for Microphone Audio Mixing |
Crest Audio LT Series LT100, LT1500 & LT2000 Schematic Set: A commercial Class D Amplifier, complete schematics in PDF format. |
Death of Zen (DoZ) a New ClassPower Amp: |
Designing An OpAmp Headphone Amplifier: many circuit examples |
DIY Microphone for Sony MD R35 Minidisc Recorder: simple electret microphone |
Dual JT MB C Microphone Combining Circuit: connect two microphones to1-microph1-input |
Dual Microphones Separate Voice From Noise: EDN-Design Ideas |
Dynamic Microphone Amplifier: |
Dynamic Microphone to Electret Microphone Input: |
ECM Mic Preamplifier: |
el Cheapo a Really Simple Power Amplifier: |
Electret Mic Apps: an electret MIC is the best value for money omni directional microphone you can buy for 90% of microphone application |
Electret Microphone Connection: how to connect electret microphone |
Electret Microphone Powering: |
Guitar Amplifier 10 Watt: Old-Style ultra-compact Combo2-inputs-Overdrive-Treble-enhancement |
HeadBanger Headphone Amp: |
Headphone Amplifier #1: |
Headphone Amplifier #2: |
Headphone Amplifier #3: |
Headphone Amplifier #4: |
Headphone Distribution Amp: |
Headphone Monitor Amp: |
Hi Fi Class D Audio Power Amplifier: The purpose of this site is to share a pulse-width modulating Class D audio power amplifier design with the world, in order to involve people that have an interest in this kind of technology. This is in effect an "open source project", i.e. the design is open and free, and those that have the interest and ability, are encouraged to feed back into the project. |
HiFi Headphone Amplifier: |
High Sensitivity Hearing Aid: |
Interfacing Microphones to Computer Sound Cards: |
JLH Headphone Amplifiers: |
Leach Amp 120 Watt Power Amplifier: Latest update of the "Low Tim Amplifier", Claimed to be a very good sounding design |
Leach SuperAmp: 270-Watt Double Barreled Amplifier published in Audio magazine (added 4/02) |
Lidstr�m Improved ZEN I Class a FET Amplifier: |
line Level Signal to Microphone Input Adapter: |
LM380 Power Audio Amplifier: National Semiconductor Application Notes,04-Nov-1995 |
LM383 12 Volt Amplifier: |
Low Cost Audio VChas High Performance: EDN-Design Ideas |
Low Level Audio Amp: |
Low Noise Balanced Microphone Preamp: very low noise, close to the theoretical minimum, high hum rejection and variable gain with a single rotary pot, similar to that used in many professional grade mixing desks |
Low Power Audio Amplifier Based on LM386: |
Making a Rugged, Connectorized Microphone From a Panasonic Microphone Capsule: |
Mega phone circuit 9v: |
Micro Spy With FETs: |
Micro Spy With TTL: |
Micro Spy With USW: |
Microphone Amplifier: |
Microphone Mixer: Designed for3-dynamic microphones |
Microphone Polarity Tester: |
Microphone Preamp: Very simple two transistor circuit |
MIDI Passthrough Circuit: |
Mike Pads & Other Small Gadgets: Includes Active Direct Box circuit |
Miniature FM Transmitter #1: |
Miniature FM Transmitter #2: |
Miniature FM Transmitter #3: |
Miniature FM Transmitters #4: |
Modification of Panasonic Backelectret Capacitor Microphone (WM GOAT DigiKey P9967 ND): This drawing describes the conventional hookup and option where FET is connected as source follower with3 wires to preamp. |
Mono Audio Equalizer : |
MOSFET Power Amp: DIY high power MOSFET amplifier200 Wrms 8 ohms -350 Wrms4 ohms |
MS 2 Mic Splitter: Send signal from1-microph1-to two mixers, product datasheet with circuit diagram in PDF format |
MS 82P Microphone Splitter With Phantom Power Buss: 8 channel microph1-splitter that can inject phantom power to microphone, product datasheet with circuit diagram in PDF format |
Neve BA283Volt Class a Circuit: The famous Neve Class A recording series modules such as the1066,1073, and1272 all used a similar gain building block like the BA283AV shown here. This circuit consists of two stages of amplification on a single printed circuit board with an input voltage gain stage and a line driver output stage. |
NHT Subwoofer Amp: |
Octave Screamer: |
One Watt 2.3 GHz RF Amplifier Using a MRF2001: |
One Watt 2.45 GHz Linear Amplifier: |
One Watt Class C Amplifier: |
OTP �C controls Boomer amplifier: EDN-Design Ideas /PDF contains multiple circuits - scroll to find this circuit
Parabolic dish mic amplifier : |
Paradoxical Sound Synthesizer: |
Parametric & Subwoofer Equalizer: |
Phono Preamp (valve): |
Pocket Equalizer for Headphone: many circuit examples |
Portable headphone Amplifier: |
Portable Microphone Preamplifier: High headroom input circuitry. 9V Battery powered. |
Power Amp Schematic: |
Push Pull Class a 2A3 Stereo Amp (valve): |
Push Pull Class a Amp using type 5687 Dual Triodes: |
Quadraphonic Amplifier: This is a four channel amplifier ideally suited for use with quadraphonic equipment such as a Sound Blaster Live card. |
Quick & Dirty Audio Amplifiers: For those of you who like to experiment with audio and would like a "quick and dirty" amplifier that frees you from having to figure out the biasing resistors, this article has two for you and they run off 9 Volts too!.1-uses an Op-Amp and the other used a transistor. |
: |
: This is a circuit diagram of a commercial high quality balanced microph1-preamplifier. This document is in PDF format. |
: |
SCMS killer for DAT Recorders: |
Single Chip 50 Watt / 8 Ohm Power Amplifier: Uses LM3876 Hi-Fi amplifier IC from National Semiconductor |
Single Ended Class A2 SV811 10 Stereo Amp: |
Small Amplifier Circuit: Uses many amplifier ICs, from few-Watts to200-Watt |
SoftStart Circuit for Power Amps: |
Sony C 37Condenser Microphone: information with circuit diagram |
Spatial Distortion Reduction Headphone Amp: |
Subwoofer Equaliser: |
Subwoofer Equalizer: The Linkwitz transform circuit is a hugely flexible way to equalize the bottom end of a sealed loudspeaker enclosure. A speaker that is corrected using this method is flat from below resonance to the upper limit of the selected driver. The low frequency roll off point is determined by the parameters of the transform circuit. Should the enclosure size be too small and cause a lump in the response before roll off, this is also corrected. A conventional active crossover network is then used to divide the subwoofer signal from the main channel signals. Note that there is also a separate spreadsheet calculator available for calculating component values for different situations not handled by the original circuit. |
Subwoofer Filter: 12 dB/octave low pass filter for subwoofer, includes subsonic filter |
Super Capacitor Powers Audio Amp: EDN-Design Ideas / Micro power and low-voltage op amps allow you to build high-performance analog-signal processors that require no batteries or wall transformers, this simple mixer is powered using one large capacitor such as a Supercap or Dynacap for some Time
TDA2030 8 Watt Amplifier: |
Theory & Construction of Mic "Splitters": |
ThermoFan To Keep Your Amp Cool: |
Three Band Equalizer: |
Three High Accuracy, RIA/ IEC, MC & MM Phono Preamplifiers: |
Three Transistor Audio Amp 50 Milliwatt: Here is a little audio amplifier similar to what you might find in a small transistor radio. |
Tube Amplifier: The unit is powered directly from the 120 volt AC line, with no power transformers. Filaments are wired in series, with the total adding up to 117 volts (35 + 35 + 35 + 12). The 35W4 forms a half-wave rectifier, which is filtered by a three-stage RC network. The B+ for the output stage plates and screens are taken from the second capacitor, and the B+ for the preamp and phase inverter from the third capacitor in the filter. |
Two Channel Power Amplifier: The2-Channel Power Amplifier based on NTE1606. The circuit is powered by a12V,10-Amp power supply. The power of the output channels is4 W connected to 8-ohm loudspeakers |
Two Transistor Amplifier: |
Two Watt Amplifier: Low distortion amplifier using discrete components |
Two Wire Remote Microphone Amplifier: uses special amplifier module from Op-Amp Labs |
Vacuum Tube Microphone Preamp : from January1997 EQ Column, includes phantom power supply (added 4/02) |
Variable Amplifier Impedance: idea of being able to vary the output impedance of a power amplifier |
Voice Over Circuit: Switches automatically from sound source to microph1-when enough sound comes in from microphone. |
VOX AC30 Guitar Amplifier Simulator: |