Electric circuits
You might have been wondering how electrons
can continuously flow in a uniform direction through wires
without the benefit of these hypothetical electron Sources
and Destinations. In order for the Source-and-Destination
scheme to work, both would have to have an infinite capacity
for electrons in order to sustain a continuous flow! Using
the marble-and-tube analogy, the marble source and marble
destination buckets would have to be infinitely large to
contain enough marble capacity for a "flow" of marbles to be
The answer to this paradox is found in the
concept of a circuit: a never-ending looped pathway
for electrons. If we take a wire, or many wires joined
end-to-end, and loop it around so that it forms a continuous
pathway, we have the means to support a uniform flow of
electrons without having to resort to infinite Sources and
Each electron advancing clockwise in this
circuit pushes on the one in front of it, which pushes on
the one in front of it, and so on, and so on, just like a
hula-hoop filled with marbles. Now, we have the capability
of supporting a continuous flow of electrons indefinitely
without the need for infinite electron supplies and dumps.
All we need to maintain this flow is a continuous means of
motivation for those electrons, which we'll address in the
next section of this chapter.
It must be realized that continuity is just
as important in a circuit as it is in a straight piece of
wire. Just as in the example with the straight piece of wire
between the electron Source and Destination, any break in
this circuit will prevent electrons from flowing through it:
An important principle to realize here is
that it doesn't matter where the break occurs. Any
discontinuity in the circuit will prevent electron flow
throughout the entire circuit. Unless there is a continuous,
unbroken loop of conductive material for electrons to flow
through, a sustained flow simply cannot be maintained.
A circuit is an unbroken loop of
conductive material that allows electrons to flow through
continuously without beginning or end.
If a circuit is "broken," that means it's
conductive elements no longer form a complete path, and
continuous electron flow cannot occur in it.
The location of a break in a circuit is
irrelevant to its inability to sustain continuous electron
flow. Any break, anywhere in a circuit
prevents electron flow throughout the circuit.